Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year!

Let me start out by saying how nice it's been to see so many of you visiting during the holiday week! I've seen lots of patrons checking out book and movies...I've even spotted a few of you getting a head start on those homework assignments! As we look towards 2012, it might be fun to think about what our New Year's Resolutions will be...

Some of you may wisely resolve to read more books!!!! Luckily, it is never possible to read too many! In which case you should
click here and search for some cool titles! If you can't think of anything, I strongly suggest you put on your hat and gloves and visit your librarians ASAP!

You may resolve to learn a new hobbie. I have noticed quite a few of you asking for books about crocheting...
click here to check out a few of them!

If you are resolving to learn more about recycling, "going green," or just understanding the steps you can take to improve the earth's ecosytem, then we have the books for you!

Whatever your resolution may be, there's a good chance we have the information you need to learn all about it. Enjoy the rest of your holiday break and be sure to stop in and say hello!